GPLEA car patches


Eagle-Weslake 1967 - click on the thumbnails to enlarge.

GPLEA Eagle v4.0 - click on the thumbnails to enlarge.


Join the Eagle Club!

Cut Away Diagram The All-American Eagle
(1967 US GP program, PDF)


Menu background
(240 KB)

Car choice background
McLaren & Eagle
(125 KB, by Alain Hawotte)
From this page you can download the GPLEA Eagle-Weslake.


This car is based on the original Papyrus Eagle for GPL. It has been edited by Gustavo Olivera (3D model & textures), Mike Tyler (textures) & Ken Drouillard.
We hope you enjoy this release!

Copyright / Permissions

These files are provided for your personal enjoyment. If you wish to publish them on any web pages please ask the permission of the GPLEA. These files may not be put on a CD, or be sold for profit. They may not be made to be a part of another program without asking the permission of the GPLEA.


The authors of this package take no responsibility for it's use.
The contained files are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. This is not a Papyrus/Sierra product.

Here are the main features of the GPLEA Eagle:


highly detailed authentic carshape & textures


first release ever with 3D helmet for GPL that allows individual helmet designs


individual face for the player and each AI driver (with 3D helmet)


special highlighting effects on metal parts like rims, mirrors, etc.


3D shifter


choice between covered and uncovered engine


choice between 16bit and 4 bit skins


optional 2D standard helmets for online racing


optional 2D wheels for slower machines


optional chrome exhaust


optional shifter gate


choice for the McLaren car between the original Eagle and the red McLaren M5A-BRM (only simulated by a red McLaren texture and some shape modifications)
To install this car you can use GPLAIM2 or GPLCSM from GPL:W or follow the descriptions of the included readme.htm.


  - improved car shape & textures (e.g. more curved cockpit side, car even closer to the real dimensions. accurate Eagle 3D nose)
optional lighter blue skins
now you can have an Eagle with engine cover & the Mclaren at the same time (not recommended for 3dfx users because of the light reflectinos on the invisible parts of the car)
new dash instruments placement, so the steering wheel doesn't hide anything
- b
igger steering wheel, ...
 v2.6a 03-09-2002 - rounded exhausts





- 3D mirrors
- 3D shifter
- new wheels & wheel textures
- significantly improved body shape
- gauge needles fix (thanks to kostas)
- rear brake lines
- improved suspensions
- various little fixes


21-01-2003     - fixed mirror position
- other little fixes



6.44 MB


- 4bit arm fix
- new skins, new engine textures
- new wheels
- new dash, new side panel textures
- new steering wheel texture
- 3D engine plug wires
- 3D wheels in mirros
- improved gearbox
- new textures & details

 #36 player car


345 KB


- #36 car textures for the Eagle like Gurney had when he won in the Belgian Grand Prix 1967

hires cockpits


753 KB


- high resolution cockpit textures for Eagle, McLaren & yellow custom texture

Site Design and Content ? GPLEA.
No part of this site may be copied without the express written permission of the GPLEA